Don’t have time to attend Training Programs, Workshops or Seminars but still looking for skills development? Then consider The Small Business Institutes range of convenient Webinars.
Each Webinar is designed to be approximately 1 hour in length and can be accessed via your computer, iPad or smart phone.
For the busy small business owner, webinars are a great way to learn new skills, find answers to problems or get ideas to help grow your business.
Webinars provide a safe learning environment and in todays hectic world, are a great way to gain the skills you need.
They are also super convenient, as you can access from virtually anywhere you have access to the internet.
Webinars targeting the needs of small business
Drawing on our experience working with 1000’s of small business owners across Victoria we ensure our webinars provide the practical help small business owners need.
Our webinars focus on learning and skills business owners need to compete effectively in todays challenging marketplace.
The aim of each webinar will be to provide you with knowledge and skills which will make
Webinars Topics
Examples of topics we plan to cover include:
- Marketing
- Online Marketing
- Social Media
- Budgeting
- Pricing
- People Management
- Strategic Planning
- Branding
- Customer Service
Our webinars are presented by specialists in the particular topic and draw on our SBMS Mentor experience of dealing with 1000’s of small business owners each year!
From time to time we also we draw on the knowledge of guest presenters where we believe this will be of value to the TSBI community.
Register with TSBI today!
For more details about our Webinar Program, join over 14,000 other business owners and – REGISTER as a member of The Small Business Institute today.
Through membership you will gain access to our quarterly Newsletter which includes webinar topics and dates. You will also have access to the many and increasing number of special offers we provide to members!