Business Help – Rent a Board
As a business grows, the need for objective input and guidance from third parties increases. With growth, the range of challenges faced by business owners invariably increases:
- More staff are required – often with different skills sets
- Systemisation to provide a consistent customer experience becomes critical
- Logistics need to be improved – what got you to where you are today no longer works
- Higher levels of delegation are needed
- The cash flow needs of the business may dramatically change
- Improved data capture and analysis are required
- More time needs to be spent working on, rather than in, the business
Large corporations and organisations understand this and have Boards made up of experienced business people to provide guidance to management. To also test their assumptions and strategies!
Until now, this type of business help has not been readily available to small business owners. Most relying on their Accountant or other colleagues in business to act as a sounding board.
While these options are great – imagine the power of a small business owner having access to your own personal Advisory Board!
Business help is available with TSBI Rent a Board
TSBI can provide a panel of Business Advisers who can provide you with the small business help you need to keep you on track and get your business to where you want it to be!
Our “Rent a Board” panels are highly qualified and experienced in the world of business. They can help you drive your business from an executive and strategic perspective.
Your Panelists act in the capacity of a non-director Board, which means they have no legal liability for, or financial exposure to your business.
How the Rent a Board Program works
Getting the right business help is critical to the success of your business – we therefore first meet with you to understand your business, where you are at and your business needs.
We then select a panel of Business Advisors with a range of skills suited to your requirements – these would be panelists with skills across a range of disciplines:
- Finance
- Marketing
- Customer Service
- Management
- Human Resources
- Governance
- Other skills specific to your needs
You will then meet with the panel at an agreed frequency to review current operations, issues and strategies for growth.
During these meetings you may well find your thinking and assumptions are being challenged. The Board will also hold you accountable for implementation of strategies agreed.
Get the business help you need to grow today!
If your business has reached a point where external input is needed to help you maximise your current operations, or you are looking for input to take your business to the next level, then enquire today about the TSBI – Rent a Board Program.
The business help you need may only be a phone call away!