Scumbags Barber Shop is a polarising brand … but for those that love it, they wouldn’t go anywhere else
- On October 5, 2018
- 431, Barber shop marketing, harrison mallory, marketing podcast, Marketing tips, scumbags barber shop, Small Business Big Marketing, tim reid
“We’re in the service industry. If you don’t want to service people and make their experience unforgettable then don’t get in to the industry!”
– Harrison Mallory,
Scumbags Barber Shop
There’s loads more tips and insights just like this that will help you build that beautiful business of yours into the empire it deserves to be. Hit the PLAY button above to listen now, or subscribe free to hear the full interview.
Harrison also tackles:
- How and why he started Scumbags
- Why he called his business Scumbags
- Why he doesn’t want to appeal to everyone
- Why polarising certain types of customers is good for business
- How he adds fun to the working week
- How he creates memorable customer experiences
- How he attracts and retains great staff
- And so much more …
Here’s what caught my attention from my chat with Harrison Mallory :
- I love that Harrison doesn’t feel the need to appeal to everyone. Instead, he knows who is people are and build his brand, his marketing messages and the whole customer experience around this niche. I love seeing businesses polarise.
- I love Harrison’s attention to detail when it comes to creating an amazing customer experience. There’s nothing wrong with being a control freak when creating this important aspect of your marketing.
- And I love how he injects fun in to the business – like the Hawaiian Shirt Fridays. I know ideas like that can seem a little superficial … however, look at it in the context that life’s serious, people are looking for opportunities to smile – and simple ideas like that create a welcome distraction.
But the marketing gold doesn’t stop there, in this episode:
- This week’s Monster Prize Draw winner is:
- Cameron Harris from Tank On Cleaning
Jingle of the Week – SPC Baked Beans & Spaghetti
Resources mentioned:
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And join me at the Idea Exchange in Melbourne (October 17, 2018) and Sydney (November 22, 2018).
If something in this episode of Australia’s favourite marketing podcast peaked your interest, then let me know by leaving a comment below.
May your marketing be the best marketing.
This post was provided by marketing speaker Tim Reid who is the host of The Small Business Big Marketing Show, Australia’s #1 marketing podcast, also heard on Virgin Airlines. Subscribe FREE on iTunes or Android