NAB Microenterprise Loans
- On May 3, 2016
NAB Microenterprise Loan Program
We get that starting and running your own small business is exciting and rewarding experience. But accessing affordable business credit can get in your way, stop you even. It’s frustrating how few credit options there are for those on low incomes.
That’s why NAB have created the NAB Microenterprise Loan Program.
- Unsecured business loans of between $500 and $20000 for low-income earners.
- The loan program works in partnership with organisations like TSBI that provide business training and small business advice to loan recipients.
- Partners mentor and help applicants develop a business plan, and provide training and advice.
- The loan program is not for profit.
- It’s designed to help new buisnesses, or supporting new ones, of five or less employees.
For more information visit www.nab.com.au/microenterpriseloans or click the button below.